Is Trump Reverend Jim Jones or Manson?

I think we have seen why education is failing America this week.  Logic and contextual thinking are abilities our schools do little to plant or harvest, too busy teaching kids how to bubble in scantrons.  Surely, the majority of the fools who stormed the Capitol do not understand our constitution.  Nor do they grasp the concepts of law or democracy.  But worst of all, they lacked the ability to navigate how Trump manipulates their emotions.  And they are clueless how he does not even do it for his own political gain.

No, worse:  he does it for the same reasons Reverend Jones convinced 909 people to commit suicide, Manson convinced seven people to murder strangers, and Lucifer in the Bible convinces anyone to sin:  to feed his own self-image, to get off on his own power. 

Yes, Donald J. Trump is a narcissist of a psychotic type; Sure, that means he adores being adored.  But more than anything, he enjoys feeling God-like.  And what defines a God, but the power to create and control. I doubt Trump even wants the responsibility of the presidency.  Has he done anything since Biden was named the President-elect that has anything to do with governing our nation? No, he does not want to lose, which is very different from wanting to win,

Mostly, he just likes watching his base dance to his whims—the hallmark of a tyrant. 

I’ve often wondered when his base will feel insulted that he thinks so little of their intelligence that he assumes they will never guess what he is about.  But first, they must wake up. His whole life is an example that he does not value what they value, does not believe what they believe, but still. . .they believe and value him.  Obviously, he was right about their susceptibility to his persuasion.  Even Stalin and Hitler had political agendas behind their fisted propaganda, evil as .  But Trump?  Nope.

His interest is entirely to see what he can force his base into doing for him, and they do it ecstatically, like ascetics whipping their own flesh.  Maybe they deserve to be mind-fucked.

This whole “both sides have good people” opinion that was twisted a few years back is resurfacing on Facebook this week, as citizens try to rectify this gash between those who are blind to Trump’s megalomania and those who fear it.  Americans who cling to that two-sides nonsense have been manipulated into believing that having very different perspectives on important issues like human rights and equity and a free democracy is *just fine.*  Was it fine for people to have very different ideas about slavery?  Or the subjugation and infantilization of women?  Was it fine for people to have very different ideas about Hitler? Or the Inquisition?  Or crucifying Jesus? Please.  As I said, the participants in DC’s mass hysteria and those who dismiss their behavior with a simple utterance of “both sides are good people” do not understand their history.  They fail to accept that sometimes there is evil on “one side.”  Trump telling his base what they were doing was “patriotic” and he “loves” them is half of that evil, and believing him is the other half.

Trump’s selfish pandering to the violent racists in his base should be obvious to everyone a mile away, but emotions obviously have over-powered his base’s ability to see reason, if they ever can see reason.   The woman—a Q-anoner— who died with a bullet in her neck was convinced she was purging the office of baby eaters.  Did Trump ever ask his people to get real about the black-magic, Salem-days thinking of Q-anon?  No, he—a man who knows no democratic leader is eating any babies— manipulated his puppets by defending Q-anoners, because puppet mastering is his pleasure.  You can easily imagine him gleefully giggling when he watches his machinations unleashed.  Again, I assert these people lack a foundation of logic or an understanding of history.

The people who broke through the windows of the Capitol of the United States of America have been compared to the people who broke through the windows of the local Tommy Hilfiger and Vans Shoe Stores this past year during protests over the unlawful deaths of numerous African Americans.  This dispersion is an attempt by Trump’s base to minimize the horrors of what their extremists have done.  Are these supporters completely deluded?  Storming a sacred government building, the symbol of our freedoms, while congress is carrying out a democratic election with the intentions of imprisoning congressmen and overturning election results, because one trusts, and worse, worships a lying, defeated man is a far greater crime than vandalism and theft. To judge both through the same prism is a ludicrous manipulation. 

One group is attempting to gain the freedoms afforded by our constitution, to uphold the constitution, to force fellow citizens into recognizing that people of all races are Americans and deserve the essential rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness that our constitution encourages.  The other is subverting the constitution in the name of dismissing over 82 million American voters and our legal government systems.  Stealing handfuls of clothes from Nike, while also illegal, is not the same as breaching our government stalwart and threatening the lives of our government leaders during what is supposed to be constitutional transfer of power.  At all.  Any attempt to compare their anger and intentions is again, a mind fuck, a dismissal of reality.

And yes, these foolish anarchists in D.C. believe they are defending America from a “rigged election” though they have only seen evidence that the election was not rigged.  Anything they point to as “proof” has been discounted as false or nonexistent. Republican Bill Barr says so.  Republican Brian Kemp says so.  Republican Raffensberger says so, as did his investigative staff of Republicans.  Over 60 different lawsuits, headed by judges, who may have even voted for Trump, say so.  Even the Supreme Court with one-third of its judges seated by Trump dismissed any cases for lack of evidence.  Yet, without any concrete evidence, these protesters still somehow paint themselves as disenfranchised and unheard and as robbed as any minority group in the United States because Trump repeats over and over, like some sort of Goebels, the lie that he did not lose.  But of course, the majority of the people who attended this “protest” with the orchestrated intentions to disrupt the United States’ election process do not have a clue who Goebel’s was, nor could they define the word propaganda, let alone recognize when they are its victim.  

Because of this, some of those “good People” who did not go to the insurrection (but might have wished they could have) want to argue that the rioters’ rage is evidence of how derailed American trust has become, and ask that the rest of us should consider the rioters’ opinions rather than judge their actions.  Ridiculously Ironic when their mistrust comes from trusting a liar and his daily hynopedic, Huxlian brainwashing chants.

You’d think if there were real evidence of election fraud, these believers would understand that this evidence would be everywhere, or at the very least filmed by Trump and shown by Trump in his many, many tweets and videos; Trump himself would not keep it under wraps for some dramatic reveal days before the inauguration.  But that is the foggy foundation of a conspiracy theory—“the liberal power” is so powerful, they can keep it all underground and unseen by only the opposition.  Nixon couldn’t keep his corruption a secret, Kennedy could not keep Marilyn Monroe a secret,  Harvey Weinstein could not keep his abuse a secret, but somehow, half the country, along with a sprinkling of Republican “enablers” secured some “secret pact” to overturn the election shrouded in secrecy, unavailable to the naked eyes of Trump lovers only. Tell me that doesn’t prove these folks are some uneducated dumbasses.

Trump is obviously relying on either his base’s dishonesty or their mental density to promote what is so clearly subterfuge.  The man knew he could say, all the way back in August “Only way we lose is if the election is rigged,” that would be enough for them.

He knew that they would believe comparing them to American forefathers who broke from a tyrannical British monarchy would lead them blindly into doing his bidding.  He (as did Hawley and Cruz) trusted that he could exploit their emotions and ignorance to gain votes.  He knew that their understanding of history was shallow enough that they could not see that the U.S. Constitution is the leader of our country, not a single man.  And that by threatening to upend that constitution was not an act of bravery but an act of treason. 

And attempting to say that half the country feels this way in order to erase the treasonous behavior is just one more manipulation.  Did you see the number of people crossing the Mall the morning of January 8?  They were only a fraction of a fraction of the 250, 000 people who attended Martin Luther King’s speech, nor the 500, 000 in 1989 and 470, 000 in 2017 (with millions more nationwide) marching for women’s rights, nor the 857,000 men who came in 1995 to support ending the stereotypes of African-American men.  The attendees of all those civil rights marches filled all the corners of the Mall from Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol building and all roads in between.  But last week, the actual number of people running up the Capitol stairs looked to no larger than one high school bleacher full of drunk and rowdy rednecks.

It’s as if the insurrectionists and even those people who feel compelled to defend them or excuse them do not understand how votes are counted, how ballot machines work, how investigations are run, how courts function, how checks and balances work, why accepting defeat is part of democracy, what treason really is, or even what evidence actually is.  Belief is not evidence.  A feeling is not evidence.  Integrity is not standing up for what you believe in regardless of its validity.  Integrity is accepting defeat in the face of all evidence that you lost.

The interesting thing is that of all the people I know who are still trying to defend Trump and last week’s atrocity, those same people who mix up the majority of liberals with the extremist liberals, are the folks I know never went to college.  And of course, they act like this lack of education somehow makes them more pure of thought, believe that colleges brainwash people into becoming liberals.  My education planted and nurtured enough logic that I am not easily led by a megalomaniacal sociopath when he tells me the virus is a scam, global warming is a lie, and that I can storm the Capitol Building and overturn an election and still be a patriot.  But more than that, I am also very aware of how in history, leaders have used people’s fears and their egos to manipulate them into supporting their wildest dreams.

Obviously, America needs to bring back a more formal form of education where people understand their constitution, their government, their rights, and of course, how to count.  But not only that but understand the responsibility of defending and protecting that constitution.  People breeched and threatened our governing officers of the Constitution, and the fact that ANYONE in America is not enraged by this demonstrates a lack of allegiance to our constitution and our country and a lack of understanding of what a high and dangerous crime this is.